To set a warm color carpet with minimal warm furniture:

1. **Color Harmony:** Choose a warm-colored carpet in shades like earthy browns, deep reds, or warm oranges.

2. **Minimal Furniture:** Keep furniture simple and in neutral tones like beige, soft gray, or warm whites to create a minimalist contrast with the warm carpet.

3. **Texture Balance:** Ensure furniture has textures that complement the warmth of the carpet. Consider materials like natural wood, leather, or soft fabrics.

4. **Accent Pieces:** Add a few strategically placed accent pieces in warm colors or materials to tie the carpet and furniture together without overwhelming the space.

5. **Lighting:** Use warm lighting to enhance the warmth of the room, avoiding harsh or cool-toned lighting.

6. **Space Flow:** Arrange furniture with a sense of balance and open space, ensuring it doesn't overcrowd the room.

By harmonizing warm colors in the carpet with minimal furniture and maintaining balance in the space, you can achieve a cohesive warm minimal concept.
