?how to make

How to make persian traditional carpets and rugs?!


Iranian traditional handmade carpets:




   Kilim carpet


Wool is the primary material for traditional carpet weaving, obtained through shearing sheep. Before shearing, sheep are bathed and dried. Shearing is done manually with scissors or clippers, and the one performing it is called a shearer. Practices vary globally, but shearing generally occurs twice a year during spring and autumn for Persian carpet production.


1. Carding

Carding aligns wool fibers, ensuring they go in the same direction, making fibers in Persian and traditional rugs light, fluffy, and ready for spinning. It's a crucial step in transforming wool into yarn.



Spinning is the process of skillfully drawing out and twisting wool fibers to form soft yarn, achieved through hand or charkha methods.


3. The yarns prepared for dyeing now

Dyeing yarn involves using natural plant dyes, like indigo for blues and madder root for reds, sourced from traditional materials. Persian nomads directly dye yarn by hand using materials from the Zagros mountains.


4. Dyeing of wool

Wool is easily dyed naturally. Soak it in a water and mild acid mix, pour on the dye, heat to set, gently rinse, and then hang or lay flat to dry.


5. Drying yarn

After washing yarn, various drying methods are employed, preparing for the carpet weaving process.


6. Carpet and rug loom

Carpets and rugs are made by interlacing warps and wefts on a loom, covering linen warp with wool wefts. Nomadic and urban designs are drawn on millimeter grid papers.


7. Design a persian handmade carpet

Tools like scissors, knives, and combs are crucial for passing weft materials, trimming knots, and securing wefts during the weaving process.


8. Tools to make a rug and carpet

Knots, such as the Ghiordes/Turkish and Senneh/Persian knots, create raised surfaces in knotted-pile carpets.


9. Knott

Different knot types have culturally developed over time. Weavers use various colors and knot quantities to bring shapes to traditional Iranian rugs and Persian carpets.


10. Knot type

Carpet weaving scissors are used to shorten extra piles caused by knots, designed for ease in cutting carpet texture.


11. Carpet weaving scissors

Before weaving carpets and rugs, 5-6 rows similar to kilim weaving prevent knots from coming out. A similar set at the end, along with a crochet chain, locks the kilim weaving, making the carpet ready for removal from the loom.

