How to care for Persian Rugs and Carpets?
Carpet Care Manual
 1. Prevent moisture & insect damage build-up by airing your bag
2. Rotate rugs
3. Clean spills immediately
4. Vacuuming Persian rugs
5. Keep out of sunlight
6. Don't use bleach to clean a silk rug
7. Apply a light cleanser
8. Dry cleaning

1. Prevent moisture & insect damage build-up by airing your bag

A Persian rug, just like any other, is susceptible to moisture build-up from spillages and the atmosphere.

As a result of the air, moisture will be dissipated and odors will be removed from the rug.
Persian rugs will be affected by wear and tear if they are in high-traffic areas and fading because of atmospheric influence and footfall.

2. Rotate Rugs
Persian rugs will be affected by wear and tear if they are in high-traffic areas and fading, To prevent this, it is recommended to rotate a Persian rug every few months.

3. Clean spills immediately
You can in 4 ways:

Blot the Wine

Fetch paper towels or a plain white cloth.

Try Club Soda

Dampen a white cloth in a mixture of 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid, and 2 cups of water.

Apply the mixture to the carpet using a dampened cloth, and then blot it with a dry cloth. Rinse it with a clean white cloth and cold water.
Use a wine cleaner to saturate.

Salt It

Spray the spill area with cold water and then sprinkle it with salt to remove the moisture.

Try Peroxide

Vacuuming Persian rugs can make them dull and create breeding grounds for moths and other unwanted insects.
4. Vacuuming Persian rugs
Vacuuming Persian rugs can make them dull and create breeding grounds for moths and other unwanted insects


5. Keep out of sunlight

Persian rugs made with organic, natural sheep's wool, cotton, or silk are more prone to color fading.

It's important to assess the material your rug is made of, as silk or wool can require a different cleaning method.

6. Don't use bleach to clean a silk rug

Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can harm the silk fibers in your rug and ruin the texture and material of your rug.

On the off chance that you need to keep your floor covering truly clean, utilize a light cleanser. 
You ought to clean your silk region mats at least once every six months.
The leading cleanser for silk carpets will be a delicate, non-toxic one that's outlined for utilization with this sort of carpet.

7. Apply a light cleanser
It's important to assess the material your rug is made of, as silk or wool can require a different cleaning method.

8. Dry cleaning

Of course, this sort of cleaning is ordinarily as it were fundamental for exceptionally costly mats or those that are routinely cleaned with a carpet cleaner.

Like all other rugs, wool carpets require customary vacuuming to preserve their appearance.
As a common run of the show, fleece carpets ought to be vacuumed at least once a week with a great quality vacuum cleaner.

How to care and clean silk Persian carpets?

Place silk Persian floor coverings in a zone where they will not be strolled on much and tall activity ranges.
Don’t drag the furniture over your floor covering, but lift and move it instep.

How to care  and clean cotton Persian carpets?

Evacuate Overabundance Tidy and Flotsam jetsam and the foremost popular way to do this is typically by employing a vacuum.

Plunge a corner of a delicate cloth into the mixed arrangement, and after that blotch the recolored region. 
Utilize a dry cloth to smudge the influenced region to expel an abundance of dampness.

Apply the blended arrangement onto the complete floor covering by splashing it on, making beyond any doubt to cover the total surface.
Take off it to settle into the filaments for a diminutive, and after that utilize a delicate cleaning brush to scour the floor covering.
Make beyond any doubt you evacuate any foamy buildup from the floor covering.

Wash & DRY

Once you've got evacuated the earth from your Dhurrie floor covering in this way, wash it, once once more with cool water.
Vacuum the mat, or clear it with a delicate carpet broom to evacuate clean and flotsam and jetsam. 
Take off it to sit for many hours, and once more clear or vacuum the mat to expel all the heating pop. 

How to urge a coffee stain out of the carpet?
For new coffee stains, you'll be able to utilize white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or preparing pop. Dried coffee spills ought to be re-wet sometime soon you'll be able to viably clean them.

Whereas smudging the recolor, work from the outside in to avoid spreading.

Make beyond any doubt the cleaning arrangement you select will not harm your carpet’s filaments.


White vinegar

Begin by weakening the coffee recolor with water. Pour small amounts onto the recolor, at that point smear all the fluid employing a cloth. Rehash until there's scarcely any coffee exchange.
Plunge a clean cloth or wipe into the blend, and spot it onto the recolor, working exterior in. 

Utilize another clean cloth to blotch a few clean water onto the carpet to expel any buildup. At that point let the carpet discuss dry, or utilize a dry cloth.
After you’ve blotched as much coffee as you’re able, blend 1 container of hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 tsp dish cleanser

Preparing pop is additionally a fabulous recolor remover. Apply the glue in a lean layer on the recolored parcel of the carpet and let it sit for 20 minutes.

How to Evacuate Ancient Coffee Stains from Carpet?

Begin by rehydrating the recolor utilizing a little warm water. Utilize a wipe to touch water onto the ancient coffee stains so that the buildup extricates. This will moreover offer assistance in lifting a few of the recolor of the filaments.
Blend 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tbsp dish cleanser, and 2 glasses of water together.  

How to Expel Coffee with Drain from Carpet?

If you’ve blended drain in your coffee, you’ll require a chemical clothing cleanser or comparative enzymatic cleaner.
Blend 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tbsp dish cleanser, and 2 glasses of water. Apply the mixture to the recolor employing a clean cloth or wipe, working until the recolor has lifted. 

